Area VIII: Physical Plant and Facilities

Supporting Documents

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System- Inputs and processes

S.1 There is a Site Development Plan, and program of implementation

S.2 The campus has accessible good roads and pathways

S.3 The campus is a well- planned, clean and properly landscaped environment

S.4 There is a system to ensure that all of the following are provided:

S.4.1 traffic safety in and outside the campus

S.4.2 Waste management program

S.4.3 Proper utilization, repair and upkeep of school facilities and equipment

S.4.4 Cleanliness and orderliness of the school campus

S.5. An area of outdoor educational activities, e.g. social, physical, athletic, cultural, military training, etc. exists

S.6. There is a campus security unit that ensures safety of the academic community


I.1. The site infrastructure development plan is implemented as planned

I.2. The site plan is strategically displayed inside the campus indicating the location of the different buildings, driveways, parking areas, etc.

1.3. The infrastructure development plan is implemented in accordance to approved zoning ordinances

1.4. Covered walks are provided to protect the academic community from inclement weather

1.5. The institution implements a waste management program

1.6. The maintenance unit or its equivalent periodically inspects school facilities and equipment to ensure the proper utilization and upkeep


O.1. The campus environment is conducive to all educational activities

O.2. The site can accommodate its present school population and future expansion

O.3. The campus is safe and well-maintained

O.4. The campus is well-planned, clean and properly landscaped


System-Inputs and Processes

S.1. The buildings meet all requirements of the Building Code. A certificate of occupancy for each building is conspicuously displayed.

S.2. The buildings are constructed according to their respective uses.

S.3. The buildings are well-planned and appropriately located to provide future expansion

S.4. Entry and exit points permit the use of the buildings for public and other functions with minimum interference to school activities

S.5. Emergency exits are provide and properly marked

S.6. The buildings are equipped with emergency/fire escapes which are readily accessible

S.7. The corridors, doorways, and alleys are well-constructed for better mobility

S.8. The buildings are well-ventilated and lighted

S.9. The buildings have facilities for persons with disability (PWDs) as provided by law

S.10. There is a central signal and fire alarm system

S.11. There are already accessible and functional fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment

S.12. Bulletin boards, display boards, waste disposal containers and other amenities are strategically located inside buildings.

S.13. There are faculty rooms and offices

S.14. The buildings are insured


I.1. The buildings are clean, well maintained and free from vandalistic acts

1.2. Toilets are clean and well-maintained

I.3. Electrical lines are safely installed and periodically checked

I.4. Water facilities are functional and well-distributed in all building

I.5. There is a periodic potability testing of drinking water

I.6. Floor plans indicating fire exits and location of fire-fighting equipment, stand pipes, and other water sources are conspicuously displayed in each building

I.7. All school facilities are periodically subjected to pest control and inspection

I.8. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the campus

I.9. Periodic drill on disaster and risk reduction (earthquake, flood, fire, etc.) is conducted


O.1. The buildings and other facilities are safe, well maintained and functional


System-Inputs and Processes

S.1. Classroom size (1.5 sq. m. per student) meets standard specifications for instruction

S.2. The classrooms are well-lighted, ventilated and acoustically conditioned.

S.3. The classrooms are adequate and are provided with enough chairs, furniture and equipment

S.4. There are sufficient supplies (Chalkboards/whiteboards, and instructional materials) in each classroom


I.1.The classrooms are clearly marked and arranged relative to their functions

I.2.The classrooms are well-maintained and free from interference

I.3.Students cooperate in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the classrooms.


O.1. Classrooms are adequate and conducive to learning


System-Inputs and Processes

S.1. The administrative offices are accessible to stakeholders

S.2. All offices are accessible and conveniently located in accordance to their functions

S.3. There are offices and workspaces for all officials, faculty and administrative staff

S.4. Administration and faculty offices and staff rooms are clean, well-lighted and ventilated

S.5. Function rooms and lounge are available and accessible

S.6. Storerooms are strategically located

S.7. There is internal and external communication system.

S.8. There are clean toilets for administrators, faculty, staff and students


I.1. All offices are furnished with the necessary equipment, furniture, supplies and materials.

I.2. All offices are well-maintained


O.1. The offices and staff rooms are adequate and conducive to working environment


System - Inputs and processes

S.1. Function rooms for holding meetings, conferences, convocations and similar activities are sufficient

S.2. Facilities for athletic sports, cultural activities, military training, etc. are accessible

S.3. The seating capacity conforms to standards

S.4. There are adequate and well-marked entry and exit points

S.5. There are storage facilities for athletic sports and other curricular training equipment


I.1.Indoor facilities constructed with:

1.1.1 appropriate flooring,

1.1.2 proper lighting and ventilation,

1.1.3 safety measures,

1.1.4 toilets,

1.1.5 functional drinking facilities; and

1.1.6 enough chairs

I.2.The constructed outdoor facilities are:

1.2.1 free from hazards,

1.2.2 suitable surface floor,

1.2.3 appropriately laid out for a variety of activities,

1.2.4 properly maintained and secured, and

1.2.5 installed with drainage system.

I.3. Assembly, athletic sports and cultural facilities are sufficient and varied to meet the requirement of the institution.

I.4. Audio-visual room and facilities with appropriate equipment are utilized in support of the teaching-learning but not limited to video/overhead/slide projector, sound system, LCD projectors and screens


O.1. Indoor and outdoor facilities are well-equipped and properly maintained


System- Inputs and Processes

S.1. The medical and dental clinic has basic facilities such as: reception area, records section, examination treatment and toilets

S.2. The institution has functional medical and dental section

S.3. Potable water is available and sufficient

S.4. Medical and dental equipment are provided

S.5. There are enough medical and dental supplies and materials

S.6. Storage facilities (ref, steel cabinets, etc.) are available

S.7. Medical and dental supplies and materials are properly labeled

S.8. The basic medical equipment and medicines are available

S.9. The basic dental equipment and apparatuses are available

S.10. The medical and dental clinic has ample space, adequate lighting and ventilation


I.1. The medical and dental clinics are managed by qualifies medical and dental officers

1.2. Distinct rooms and storage areas are properly labeled

I.3. Medical and dental services are regularly monitored and evaluated


O.1. The medical, dental clinic and services are functional


System- Inputs and Processes

S.1. The institution has student center with supplies and materials

S.2. Policies and guidance on the proper utilization of student center are in place

S.3. The student center is well-lighted and ventilated

S.4. A conference room is available for student use

S.5.There are facilities and equipment for indoor table games, audio and music equipment, as well as TV and Video appliances

S.6. Clean and sanitary toilets, with separate units available for male and female users

S.7. Toilet fixtures for students with special needs and PWDs are provided

S.8. There are offices for student leaders, the editorial staff of the student publication and the officers of other student organizations


I.1. Student activities at the student center are regularly conducted and monitored

I.2. The student center is properly maintained


O.1. The student center is fully equipped and functional


System- Inputs and Process

S.1. The canteen/cafeteria is well-lighted, ventilated, screened and provided with potable water supply

S.2. There are enough cooking and preparatory equipment, serving tools and utensils, cleaning supplies and materials, and dining table and chairs

S.3. Wash area and toilets are available in the venues


I.1. The institution requires business and sanitary permits for the operation of the food center/cafeteria/canteen.

I.2. Food served are varied, nutritious, safe, and sold at an affordable price

I.3. The food center/cafeteria/canteen is well-managed by qualified and competent personnel

I.4. Cleanliness and orderliness are enforced

I.5. The food services are prompt


O.1. The food center/cafeteria/canteen is well-patronized

O.2. The food services generate income to the institution


System- Inputs and Processes

S.1. The Accreditation Center (AC) is accessible and conveniently located

S.2. The AC has the working tables and chairs, cabinets and display filing, good ventilation and lighting, computer unit, toilets, and lounge


I.1. The institution/college/academic unit maintains the AC with the required resources, furniture and documents

I.2. The AC is managed by a qualified and committed staff/faculty

1.3. Required documents/information and exhibits are updated, systematically packaged and readily available


O.1. The AC is well-equipped and managed


System - Input and Processes

S.1. There are dormitories and housing facilities for students, faculty and staff

S.2. There is an implementing rules and regulations (IRR) for in-campus housing services

S.3. There is a system of coordinating with LGU’s on privately owned boarding houses


I.1. The housing facilities are functionally designed

I.2. The housing facilities and surroundings are properly maintained and monitored

I.3. The IRR and housing services is strictly followed (e.g. dormitory fees, etc.)

I.4. The institution coordinates with LGU’s owners of private boarding houses


O.1. The housing facilities are safe, habitable and well maintained

O.2. There is wholesome coordination among the institution, the LGU’s and the owners of private boarding houses