Area IV: Support to Students
Supporting Documents
Supporting documents are hyperlinked based on parameters. Please click the hyperlinks to be directed to the supporting documents.
S.1.The institution has Student Services Program (SSP)
S.3.The objectives of the SAS are clearly defined
S.4.The objectives of the SAS are in accordance with CMO No. 9 series of 2013.
S.5.The SAS is composed of:
S.5.1. student welfare programs and services; and
S.5.2. student development programs and services.
S.6.The following basic services are available:
S.6.1. Student Welfare;
S.6.1.1. Information and Orientation Services;
S.6.1.2. Guidance and Counseling Services;
S.6.1.3 Career and Job Placement Services;
S.6.1.4 Economic Enterprise Development; and
S.6.1.5 Student Handbook Development.
S.6.2. Student Development;
S.6.2.1. Student Activities;
S.6.2.2. Student Organization and Activities;
S.6.2.3. Leadership Training;
S.6.2.4. Student Council/Government;
S.6.2.5. Student Discipline; and
S.6.2.6. Student Publication/Year Book.
S.6.3. Institutional Student Programs and Services;
S.6.3.1. Admission Services;
S.6.3.2. Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA);
S.6.3.3. Food Services;
S.6.3.4. Health and Wellness Services;
S.6.3.5. Safety and Security Services;
S.6.3.6. Student Housing and Residential Services;
S.6.3.7. Multi-faith and Inter-faith Services;
S.6.3.8. Foreign/International Students Services (whenever applicable);
S.6.3.9. Services for Students with Special Needs;
S.6.3.10. Culture and Arts Programs;
S.6.3.11. Sports and Development Programs;
S.6.3.12. Social and Community Involvement Programs; and
S.6.3.13. others (please specify)
Student Affairs and Services Unit
S.7. There is a SAS Unit that manages student affairs development and welfare programs.
S.8. The SAS Unit has an organizational structure indicating its relationship with other Units.
S.9. The SAS Unit is headed by a qualified official.
S.10. The SAS unit is staffed with qualified personnel.
Administrative Support
S.12. There is sufficient budget allocation for the Student Affairs and Services of the institution.
I.4. The SAS staff receive salaries on time
I.5. The SAS is represented in the policy and decision-making body of the institution.
I.6. The projects and activities of the SAS Unit are recognized and implemented.
O.1.The students are satisfied with the Student Services Programs.
S.2. A regular and comprehensive Orientation Program is held for new, returning and continuing students.
S.3. The information materials on educational, career, personal and social concerns are readily available such as:
S.3.1. R.A. 9262 or Anti Violence Against Women and Children Act;
S.3.3. Guidelines on drug abuse prevention and control;
S.3.4.R.A. 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995;
S.3.6. Self-care and healthy lifestyle; and
S.4. The Guidance and Counseling Program provides the following services:
S.4.1. information and inventory;
S.4.4. placement and follow-up; and
S.5. Gender-sensitive individual and group counseling is provided.
S.6. Counseling Services consider cultural differences.
S.8. All the Guidance Counselors are licensed.
S.9. The Guidance Program is supported by qualified staff.
S.10. Every student has an updated profile at the guidance office.
S.11. A counseling room is provided for students including those with special needs.
S.13. Career seminars and job placement services are available for the students.
S.15. There is mechanism for storing and archiving student records for reference purposes.
I.1. The ratio of a Guidance Counselor to student population is 1:1000.
I.2. Counseling and other student records are maintained and kept confidential.
I.4. The Guidance Office maintains an updated inventory of student cumulative records.
I.6. The test results are disseminated to concerned parties.
I.7. Test results are utilized in designing activities to meet student needs.
I.8. A scheme for appropriate follow-up and referrals is utilized.
I.9. The Guidance Office prepares valid appraisal data of students for career and job placement.
I.10. Student placement is regularly monitored and followed up.
I.12. Career counseling is provided to enable students to choose appropriate major/field of specialization
I.13. Information materials on career and job opportunities are made accessible.
I.14. The SAS maintains liaison with its alumni to follow up graduates job performance, vis-a vis;
I.14.2. key positions in private and/or government agencies; and
I.14.3. status of the enterprise, if applicable.
I.15. Skills development programs are conducted.
I.16. The students are given assistance in career and job placement.
I.17. The institution encourages student economic ventures such as but not limited to:
I.17.1. student laboratory cooperatives;
I.17.2. entrepreneurial activities/projects;
I.17.3. savings; and
I.17.4. others (please specify)
I.18. Updated information on student welfare and development are accessible and disseminated.
I.19. student body is involved in the development and revision of Student Handbook.
O.1. Quality student welfare services are available.
S.1. The institution has a system of accreditation, monitoring and evaluation of student organizations.
S.4. A mechanism to address student grievance is in place.
S.5. Programs and opportunities to develop and enhance leadership among students are provided.
I.3. The institution conducts leadership training.
I.4. The institution recognizes the right of the students to:
I.4.1. govern themselves as a student body;
I.4.2. be transparent and accountable to their constituents; and
I.4.3. be represented in various fora where the students need to be consulted.
I.8. Grievance Committee is established to ensure due process in dealing with students’ misconduct.
I.10. The production/publication of a yearbook is encouraged.
O.1. Quality student development services are assured.
S.1. There is a system of student recruitment, selection, admission and retention.
S.3. Scholarships and financial assistance in various forms are available to students.
S.4. Policies and guidelines are institutionalized for students from marginalized sector of the country.
S.5. There is a policy on wellness and healthy lifestyle.
S.8. Policies on the use of student facilities are in place.
S.12. The institution provides opportunities for promotion and appreciation of culture and arts.
S.13. The institution has well equipped offices for:
S.13.1 Culture and the Arts;
S.13.2. Sports Development;
S.13.3. Student Publications; and
S.13.4 Medical-Dental Clinic.
S.14. There is well-furnished medical-dental clinic.
S.15. There is a medical and dental program designed for:
S.15.1. diagnostic purposes;
S.15.2. first aid;
S.15.3. prevention and prophylaxis; and
S.15.4. physical-dental exam.
S.16. An updated information on student health condition is available to parents/guardians.
S.18. There are financial assistance programs designed for:
S.18.1. educational loans;
S.18.2. student assistantship;
S.18.3. attendance to seminars, training (sports, leadership, etc.;
S.18.4. grants-in-aid; and
S.18.5. others (please specify)
I.1. The faculty and students are properly informed of the admission guidelines and retention policies.
I.2. The policies and procedures on selection, admission and retention of students are implemented.
I.3. The following student admission records are filed and made available to concerned parties:
I.3.1. enrollment trends;
I.3.2. drop-out rate;
I.3.3. licensure examination results and passing percentage;
I.3.4. employability of graduates;
I.3.5. student transferees; and
I.3.6. student classification by specialization.
I.5. The list of tuition and other school fees is posted conspicuously.
I.6. The institution provides access to scholarship and financial assistance.
I.7. Guidelines on scholarship and financial assistance are widely and promptly disseminated.
I.8. Criteria for safety, sanitation and food choices in the school canteen/cafeteria are enforced.
I.14. Health and related laws, rules and regulations are enforced.
I.15. Licensed and competent security personnel ensure the safety and security of students.
I.19. The institution ensures that the students right to practice his/her religion is respected.
I.21. The code of Conduct for foreign students in the country is enforced.
I.22. The institution accommodates students with special needs.
I.24. Sports development programs are regularly conducted.
I.26. The students are covered with Life and Accident Insurance.
I.27. The institution rewards SAS staff for exceptional job performance.
O.1. The institutional programs and services develop student potentials to the fullest.
S.1 The institution has a research program on student affairs and services.
S.2. There is mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of SAS programs.
S.3. Monitoring and evaluation instruments are available.
S.4. There is adequate funding for the conduct of SAS researches and monitoring and evaluation.
I.1. Researches on student affairs and services are conducted.
I.2. Research results and outputs are disseminated and utilized.
I.3. Regular monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of student services are conducted.
I.4. Monitoring and evaluation instruments are developed, reviewed, and continuously improved.
I.5. Reports are filed and submitted regularly to CHEDRO.
O.1. Research outputs are presented and published.