Area II: Faculty
Supporting Documents
Supporting documents are hyperlinked based on parameters. Please click the hyperlinks to be directed to the supporting documents.
PARAMETER A: Academic Qualifications and Professional Experience
System: Inputs and Process
S.1. The required number of faculty possess graduate degrees appropriate and relevant to the program or any of the allied fields
S.1.1. 75% of more than 10 are on full-time assignment
S.1.2. 50% are holders of appropriate and relevant basic degree (BS Statistics); and
S.2. Other qualifications such as the following are considered
S.2.2. licensure (if applicable)
S.2.3. technical skills and competence
S.2.4. special abilities, computer literacy, research productivity
S.4. At least 50 % of the faculty are graduate degree holders
I.1The faculty demonstrate professional competence and are engage in any or a combination of the following:
I.1.5. consultancy and expert service; and
I.1.6. publication, creative and scholarly works
O.1.The institution has qualified and competent faculty
PARAMETER B: Recruitment, Selection and Orientation
System: Inputs and Process
I.1.Recruitment and selection of faculty is processed by the faculty selection board using the following criteria
I.1.1. academic qualifications
I.1.5. medical examination results;
I.1.6. psychological examination results;
I.1.7. relevant/professional experiences (if any)
I.1.8. previous record of employment (if any)
I.1.9. technical/special skills and abilities and
I.1.10. previous performance rating. (fi any)
I.2.The hiring system adopts an open competitive selection, based on the CSC approved Merit system and promotion plan of the institution, published and well-disseminated through various means of communication
I.2.1print media; (newspaper, flyers, csc bulletin of vacant positions
I.2.2. broadcast media; (tv, radio)
I.3.A screening committee selects and recommends the best and most qualified applicants
I.4.Measures to avoid professional in-breeding are observed
O.1.The most qualified faculty are selected
PARAMETER C: Faculty Adequacy and Loading
System: Inputs and Process
S.1. Faculty-student ratio is in accordance with the program requirements and standards as follows
S.1.2. laboratory (specific to the discipline)
S.3. There are full time faculty classified by rank, subject/specialization
S.6. There is equitable, measurable and fair distribution of teaching load and other assignments
I.2. A faculty manual is published formalizing faculty policies, standards and guidelines
I.3. Professional subjects are handled by specialist in the discipline / program
I.5. Administrative arrangements are adopted when vacancies /leaves of absence occur during the term
I.7. Teaching schedule does not allow more than six (6) hours of continuous teaching
I.10. Workload assignments and number of preparations follow existing workload guidelines
PARAMETER D: Rank and Tenure
System: Inputs and Process
S.1. The institution has a system of promotion in rank and tenure based on official issuances
S.2. The institution has a policy on probationary status of employment
O.1.The faculty are satisfied with their rank and employment status
PARAMETER E: Faculty Development
System: Inputs and Process
S.1. The institution has an approved and sustainable Faculty Development Program (FDP)
S.4. The budget allocation for faculty development is adequate.
I.1.The institution implements a sustainable Faculty Development (FDP) based on identification priorities /needs
I.1.1. upgraded educational qualifications (graduate studies)
I.1.2. attendance to seminars, symposia and conferences for continuing education;
I.1.3. conduct of research activities and publication of research output, and
I.3. The institution conducts in service training activities regularly at least once per term
I.5. The budget for faculty development is adequately allocated
I.6. The budget for faculty development is wisely utilized
I.7. The Faculty Development program in implemented with the following provisions
I.7.1. adequate and qualified supervision of faculty
I.7.2. scholarships, sabbatical leaves and research grants
I.7.3. financial support for active membership in professional organizations
I.7.4. deloading to finish the faculty thesis/dissertation
I.7.6. conducting research activities related to the program
I.7.7. publishing scholarly articles and research outputs; and
I.7.8. production of instructional materials (IMS)
O.1.The faculty are well-trained and competent to serve the institution
O.2.The faculty are committed to serve and support the programs and projects of the institution
PARAMETER F: Professional Performance and Scholarly Works
System: Inputs and Process
S.1. The institution has a system of evaluating the faculty on the following:
S.1.1. professional performance; and
I.1.demonstrate skills and competencies in all of the following:
I.1.1. knowledge of the program objectives/outcome(s);
I.1.2. reflecting the program outcomes clearly in the coarse objectives;
I.1.3. knowledge /mastery of the content, issues and methodologies in the discipline;
I.1.4. proficiency in the use of the language of instruction;
I.1.6. innovativeness and resourcefulness in the different instructional process; and
I.1.7. integration of values and work ethics in the teaching-learning process; and
I.1.8. integration of Gender and Development (GAD) activities
I.2. promptly submit required reports and other academic outputs
I.3. update lecture notes through an interface of relevant research findings and new knowledge
I.4. serve as a recourse person/lecturer/consultant in the program/field of specialization
I.5. present papers in the local, regional/national and/ or international fora
I.6. publish papers in regional, national and international magazines and journals
I.8. conduct extension and outreach activities
I.9. regularly update respective course syllabi
I.10. utilize ICT and other resources in the enhancement of the teaching-learning process; and
O.1.The faculty performance is generally satisfactory
O.2.The scholarly works of the faculty are commendable
PARAMETER G: Salaries, Fringe Benefits, and Incentives
System: Inputs and Process
S.1. The institution has a system of compensation and rewards to its faculty and staff
I.1.The following fringe benefits are granted:
I.1.1. maternity leave/paternity leave with pay;
I.1.3. study leave (with or without pay);
I.1.5. tuition fee discount for faculty and their dependents;
I.1.6. clothing/uniform allowance;
I.1.7. performance based bonus (PBB)
I.1.9. honoraria/ incentive for conducting research or for the production of scholarly works;
I.1.10. housing privilege (optional);
I.1.12. compensatory leave credit;
I.1.13. deloading to finish thesis/dissertation;
I.1.14. thesis/dissertation aid; and
I.1.15. others, (please identify)
I.2. Policies on salaries/benefits and other privileges are disseminated to the faculty
I.3. Salaries are paid regularly and promptly
I.6. Faculty with outstanding performance are given recognition/awards and incentives
O.1. The faculty are satisfied with their compensation and rewards
PARAMETER H: Professionalism
System: Inputs and Process
I.1. Responsibly observe the following:
I.1.1. regular and prompt attendance in classes;
I.1.2. participation in faculty meetings and university/college activities;
I.1.3. completion of assigned tasks on time;
I.1.4. submission of all required reports promptly; and
I.3. exercise academic freedom judiciously
I.4. show commitment and loyalty to the institution as evidenced by:
I.4.1. observance of official time;
I.4.2. productive use of official time;
I.4.3. performance of other tasks and assignments, with or without compensation; and
I.4.4. compliance with terms of agreement/contracts (e.g., scholarship and training)
I.5. maintain harmonious interpersonal relations with superiors, peers, students, parents and the community
I.6. demonstrate knowledge of recent educational trends/issues/resources in the program under survey
I.7. show evidence of professional growth through further and continuing studies
O.1. The corps of faculty manifests a commendable level of professionalism