
Supporting Documents

Parameter A: Organization

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has an organizational structure and functions approved by the Board of Regents/Trustees (BOR/TOR)

- VSU Organizational Structure 2013 and 2019

- BOR Resolution No. 52 series of 2013, and No. 235 series of 2019

S.2. Every office/unit in the organizational structure has functions

- VSU Code

- Quality Manual of the Organizational Structure

- Quality Manual of the Context of the Organization

- VSU Organizational Structure Functions


I.1. The institution is subdivided into administrative units in accordance with the organizational structure

- VSU Organizational Structure 2013 and 2019

- Designation of the College Dean

- Designation of the Department Head

- List of UADCO Members with their designation

- Sample Designation of the Heads from other offices

I.2. The functions, duties and responsibilities of administrative personnel/ staff in each unit/office are identified and carried out

- VSU Code

- Quality Manual of the Organizational Structure

- Quality Manual of the Context of the Organization

- VSU Organizational Structure Functions

- DME Organizational Structure and Functional Chart

I.3. The Board of Regents/Trustees is supportive with the growth and development of the institution

- Sample BOR Resolutions from 2018 to 2020

I.4 The Academic and Administrative Councils exercise their powers and perform their functions

- Sample of Matrix, Agenda, Minutes for UADCO Meeting

- Sample of Matrix, Agenda, Notice, Minutes of UAC Meeting

- List of UADCO Officials with their Designation

- Pictures of UADCO and UAC records

I.5 The flow of communication among and within units/department is observed

- FOI Manual

- Sample of OP, OVPI/OVPAA, OVPAF, OVPRGAS, COE/CET and DME Memorandum

- Sample of DME Notice of Meeting, Record Book, and communications via e-mail


O.1. The institution has a well-designed and functional organizational structure

- VSU Annual Report from 2017 to 2019

- VSU Eligibility Grant

- Award: Center of Excellence, AACCUP Accreditation and other awards posted at the VSU website

PARAMETER B: Academic Administration

Systems - Inputs and Process

S.1. The Dean/Academic Unit Head possess the required educational qualification and experience and other prescribed requirements needed to administer the College/Academic Unit

S.1. holder of baccalaureate and master's degree in engineering, preferably in the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

S.2. preferably holder of doctorate degree in engineering or in any related fields

S.3. must have a minimum teaching experience of not less than five (5) years

S.4. at least five (5) year administrative experience and at least five (5) field experience, and

S.5. registered engineer.

- Designation of the College Dean

- Personal Data Sheet

- Abridged Curriculum Vitae

- Appointment

- PRC License

- Diploma

- Sample of Workload

S.2. The Department Chair/s or their equivalent has appropriate/relevant educational qualification and experience

- Designation of the Department Head

- Personal Data Sheet

- Abridged Curriculum Vitae

- Appointment

- PRC License

- Diploma


I.1. The Dean is assisted by Department Chair/s with appropriate/relevant educational qualification and experience

- Designation of the Department Head

- Personal Data Sheet

- Abridged Curriculum Vitae

- Appointment

- PRC License

- Diploma

- Profile of the Members of the College Management Council and Staff

- DME Organizational Structure and Functional Chart

I.2. The Dean implements a supervisory program

- Supervisory Plan of the College Dean

- Office Performance and Commitment and Review (OPCR) of the College Dean

I.3. The Dean participates in the recruitment and promotion of faculty and support staff

- DME Faculty Development Plan CY 2021-2023

- Sample of Request and Recommendation to Hire, Post for Hiring, Attendance, Interview and Teaching Demonstration Rating, and Excerpt for Hiring

I.4. The Dean, the faculty and the administration work together for the improvement of the Institute/College of Engineering, particularly in:

I.4.1. setting standards and targets;

- Sample of OPCR and IPCR from 2018 to 2020, CET/COE Memorandum and Management Committee (ManCom) Minutes of Meeting

I.4.2. planning of programs and other related activities;

- Sample of CET/COE Memorandum, ManCom Minutes of Meeting and college-wide Minutes of Meeting

I.4.3. implementing, monitoring and evaluation of plans programs and other related activities;

- Sample of CET/COE Memorandum, ManCom Minutes of Meeting and college-wide Minutes of Meeting

I.4.4. establishing linkages, partnerships and networking activities;

- Sample of CET/COE Linkages, other linkages of VSU

- Photo documentation of VSU linkages posted at the VSU website

I.4.5. providing opportunities for professional growth and development of the faculty and staff;

- Procedure Manual for Sending of Faculty Member to Training, etc.

- COE/CET Committee Appointments

- Sample of Recommendation for Training, Excerpt for Training and Travel Report

I.4.6. preparing policies and guidelines on the internal administration and operation of the College/Academic Unit; and

- Sample of CET/COE Memorandum, ManCom Minutes of Meeting, college-wide Minutes of Meeting and Committee Appointments

I.4.7. preparing guidelines on the proper use and maintenance of facilities, equipment, supplies and materials, etc.

- Sample of CET/COE Memorandum, ManCom Minutes of Meeting, and college-wide Minutes of Meeting

- COE/CET ISO Awareness

- COE/CET Guidelines for Field Practice

1.5. Definite criteria and procedures in the recruitment and promotion of the most qualified faculty and staff are enforced

- Procedure Manual for the Recruitment, Selection and Promotion of Faculty

- Procedure Manual for the Recruitment, Selection and Promotion of Administrative Staff

- VSU Faculty Manual

- VSU Administrative Manual

- Merit System for Academic Staff

- Merit System for Administrative Staff

- NBC No. 461 CCE Guidelines

- VSU-CSC Qualification Standards

- Sample of Posting for Job Vacancies at the VSU website, post for Hiring, Interview and Teaching Demonstration Rating, and Excerpt for Hiring

I.6. The Dean, faculty, staff, and students pursue collaborative activities in generating resources and income and in implementing cost-effective measures

- Sample of COE/CET Memorandum and ManCom Minutes of Meeting

- Photo documentation of CET/COE Meeting

I.7. The Dean implements policies and procedures on internal administration and operations of the College/Academic Unit

- Sample of CET/COE Memorandum, ManCom Minutes of Meeting and college-wide Minutes of Meeting



O.1. The College/Academic Unit is efficiently and effectively managed

- BSME Licensure Examination Passers

- PRC Recognition of the BSME Examinees

- Sample of scholarship contract of DME faculty on study leave

- COE/CET OPCR 2018-2020

- DME OPCR 2018-2020

Parameter C: Student Administration

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has an approved and printed Student Handbook/Manual containing policies and guidelines o the following aspects of student life:

S.1.1. admission and retention;

S.1.2. registration requirements;

S.1.3. school fees;

S.1.4. academic load;

S.1.5. transfers;

S.1.6. residence, course work, scholastic and graduation requirements;

S.1.7. examination and grading system;

S.1.8. scholarship/grants/assistantships;

S.1.9. shifting and adding/dropping of course/s/subject/s;

S.1.10. code of conduct and discipline; and

S.1.11. others (please specify)

- VSU Undergraduate Student Handbook

- BOR Resolution No. 38 series of 2016

- Procedure Manual for Admission and Enrollment of Undergraduate Students

- Procedure Manual for Application and Approval of Candidates for Graduation

- Procedure Manual for Adding, Changing and Removal of Subjects

- Procedure Manual for Changing Degree Program or Major Field

- Procedure Manual of the Application for VSU-Funded Undergraduate Scholarships and Grant

- Guidelines of Crediting and Validating of Subjects Taken in another institution

- Guidelines of Evaluation the Academic Status of the Students

- Flyer for Career and Job Placement, Library, Registrar, Sexual Harassment, Student Development, Student Organization, Student Welfare, USHER

- Sample forms, OBTL Syllabus, Class Record, student request, readmission and application for dropping, Certification for Manuscript and Tree Planting, and Approval and Transmittal Sheet


I.1. Students are provided opportunities to participate in the planning and implementation of activities concerning their welfare

- Sample of COE/CET ManCom Minutes of Meeting

- Photo documentation of COE/CET Meeting, COE/CET Engineering Week, VSU Intramurals, JPSME Orientation and Activity, and BSME Plant Tour and Review Center Campaign

I.2. Concerned officials, faculty and staff act promptly on request , needs, and problems of the students

- Procedure Manual of Handling Interested Parties Feedback

- DME Citizen's Charter

- Sample of Request for Changing Degree Program and Academic Adviser, Overload, Offering Unscheduled Subject, List of Dropping of Student from the Course, and Grade Completion

I.3. The administration , faculty ,staff and students work harmoniously and maintain good relationship

- Photo documentation of VSU Anniversary and Intramurals, JPSME Orientation, Symposium and Activities, COE/CET Meeting, VSU Student Publication, and other student services and activities posted at the VSU website


O.1. The institution has an effective and functional Student Administration

- Student Opinion Survey

- Photo documentation of VSU Anniversary and Intramurals, JPSME Orientation, Symposium and Activities, COE/CET Week and Orientation, VSU Student Publication and other student services and activities posted at the VSU website

O.2. Policy implementation is efficient

- Student Opinion Survey

- Photo documentation of BSME Licensure Examination Passers, PRC Recognition, VSU Student Publication, and other student services and activities posted at the VSU website

- Sample of Student Grades

Parameter D: Financial Management

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has an approved Financial Development Plan (FDP) 

- VSU Financial Plan from 2018 to 2020

- Sample of OVPAA Work and Financial Plan (WFP)

S.2. The approved budget is in consonance with the FDP.

- General Appropriations Act (GAA) from 2018 to 2020

S.3. The institution has specific budgetary allotment for the following:

S.3.1. personnel services;

S.3.2. maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE);

S.3.3. capital outlay; and 

S.3.4. special projects.

- Sample of the Budget Allocation for Internally Generated Fund, Special Trust Fund and Project (Construction), Capital Outlay Projects, Fringe Benefits, and GAA for RDE


I.1. The institution maintains a Financial Management Office managed by qualified and competent staff.

- VSU Organizational Structure

- Quality Manual of the Organizational Structure

- Budget Office Functional Chart

- Accounting Office Organizational and Functional Chart

I.2. The financial management personnel are responsible for the efficient management of financial resources/funds of the institution.

- Matrix of the Personnel under the Office of the Director for Finance (ODF), Budget Office, and Accounting Office

- Duties and Responsibilities of the ODF Personnel

I.3. The administrative, faculty, staff and student representatives participate in the budget preparation and in the procurement program of the institution.

- Sample of Budget hearing and Proposal, DME Budget Allocation for General Fund (GF) and Special Trust Fund (STF), Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) for GF, STF and Incentive, and OP Memo re PPMP

I.4 The budget of the institution is fairly and objectively allocated.

- Sample of the Budget Allocation for Internally Generated Fund, STF and Project (Construction), Budget Allocation and Actual Expenditure, and DME Sub-Allotment

I.5 The institution allocates funds for the following services and activities:

I.5.1. cultural development; 

I.5.2. athletic and sports development; 

I.5.3. medical and dental services;

I.5.4. library; 

I.5.5. student body organization;

I.5.6. guidance and counseling;

I.5.7. improvement of laboratories/shops; 

I.5.8. repair and maintenance of facilities and equipment; 

I.5.9. purchase of new equipment, supplies and materials; 

I.5.10. replacement of old equipment and unserviceable equipment;

I.5.11. construction of new facilities; as needed

I.5.12. improvement/expansion of physical plant; 

I.5.13. extension and community services; 

I.5.14. disaster and risk reduction; and 

I.5.15. auxiliary services, etc. 

- Sample of the Budget Allocation for Internally Generated Fund, STF and Project (Construction), Budget Allocation and Actual Expenditure, Fiduciary Fund, and Program of Receipts and Expenditures

I.6. The budget allocated for specific expenditures indicated in item 1.5 is allotted in consonance with existing policies and guidelines.

- VSU Code

- BOR Resolution No. 6 series of 2018

- Procedure Manual of Budget Execution

- Procedure Manual of Budget Proposal

- Sample of Budgetary Allocation and Actual Expenditure


O.1. The institution has a sound and effective financial management system.

- VSU Annual Report from 2017 to 2019

- Sample of Grant of PBB

Parameter E: Supply Management

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has an approved procurement management system in consonance with the Revised IRR of RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act).

- VSU Code excerpt for Purchasing and Requisitions

- Procedure Manual on Procurement of Goods and Services through competitive bidding

- Procedure Manual on Procurement through Alternative Method

-Procedure Manual on Property Custodianship

S.2. The institution has a system for proper disposal of non-serviceable and condemned equipment, supplies and materials.

- VSU Code excerpt for Sale and Disposal of Property

- Procedure on Disposal of Unserviceable Properties

S.3. The office has a storeroom for keeping and securing equipment, supplies and materials purchased.

- Photo documentation of the VSU Warehouse, Engineering Workshop Tool Room, and DME Office Supplies Storage


I.1. The institution maintains a Supply Management Office (SMO) managed by qualified staff with specific functions and responsibilities.

- Supply and Property Management Office (SPMO) Organizational Structure and Functional Chart

- Matrix of SPMO Personnel

- Procurement Office Organizational Structure and Functional Chart

I.2. The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) is responsible for the procurement and deliveries of needed equipment, supplies and materials in accordance with the approved Annual Procurement Plan (APP) and Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP).

- Sample Memorandum for BAC, BAC Notice and Minutes of Meeting

- Annual Procurement Plan (APP) 2019-2021

I.3. The BAC perform its tasks and responsibilities in accordance with recent procurement policies and official issuances.

- Sample of BAC Notice and Minutes of Meeting, and Invitation to Bid

I.4 The SMO prepares, evaluates, and submits the annual inventory of serviceable and non-serviceable facilities and equipment.

- Sample of Annual Physical Inventory of Supplies and Materials, and List of Unserviceable Items

I.5 All approved requests for procurement are published in the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (Phil-GEPS).

- Photo documentation of the PhilGEPS posting at the VSU website

- PhilGEPS compliance containing the Bid Notice Abstract


O.1. The institution has an efficient and effective Supply and Management System.

- SPMO Citizen Charter

- Procurement Citizen Charter

- - Photo documentation of the PhilGEPS posting at the VSU website, and other procurement Activities posted at the VSU website

- PhilGEPS compliance containing the Bid Notice Abstract

- Sample of Invitation to Bid, DME Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR), Invoice Receipt for Property and Purchase Order (PO)

O.2. All procurement transactions are transparent.

- SPMO Citizen Charter

- Procurement Citizen Charter

- Photo documentation of the PhilGEPS posting at the VSU website, and other procurement Activities posted at the VSU website

- PhilGEPS compliance containing the Bid Notice Abstract

- Sample of Invitation to Bid DME Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR), Invoice Receipt for Property and Purchase Order (PO)

Parameter F: Records Management

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has a system of records keeping.

-Procedure Manual on the Disposition of Records

- Procedure Manual on the Internal Documented Information

- Procedure Manual on the External Document Control

- Procedure Manual on the Control of Records

- Guideline on Record Retention and Disposition Schedule

S.2. The institution has policies and procedures to ensure the security and confidentiality of records.

- Procedure Manual on the Control of Personnel Records

- Guideline on Student Record Confidentiality

S.3. Policies and procedures on prompt release of records are in place.

- Procedure Manual on the Request for Information

- Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual and Procedure


I.1. The institution maintains a Records Management Office (RMO) managed by a qualified Records Officer.

- Matrix of the Personnel for the Office of the Head of Records and Archives

I.2. A records system is installed in offices where it allows easy access to information needed by concerned parties.

- Procedure Manual on the Request for Information

- Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual, Procedure and Compliance

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records and DME Office

- DME Citizen's Charter

I.3. The Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) maintains accurate, up-to-date and systematically filed records of faculty and non teaching personnel.

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records Office

I.4 The following updated record compilations are made available to concerned parties:

I.4.1. minutes of the Board of Regents/Trustees meetings;

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records Office

I.4.2. minutes of the faculty meetings, e.g. minutes of the Academic Council meetings;

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records Office

I.4.3. faculty/non teaching personnel individual files;

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records and DME Office

I.4.4. faculty/non teaching personnel performance evaluation results; and

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records and DME Office

I.4.5. other records such as:

I.4.5.1. student directory;

I.4.5.2. alumni directory;

I.4.5.3. permanent records of students;

I.4.5.4. reports of Director/Dean;

I.4.5.5. annual reports;

I.4.5.6. accomplishment/progress reports;

I.4.5.7. scholarship records;

I.4.5.8. statistical data;

I.4.5.9. financial records of students;

I.4.5.10. inventory of property;

I.4.5.11. proceedings of administrative investigation (if any); and

I.4.5.12. others (please specify).

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records, DME and Registrar's Office


O.1. The institution has a commendable Records Management System.

- FOI Compliance

- Photo documentation on the records stored at the Records, DME and Registrar's Office

Parameter G: Institutional Planning and Development

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has an approved Strategic Development Plan (SDP) available in printed and/or electronic forms.

- VSU Strategic Plan 2017-2027

- BOR Resolution No. 78 series of 2017

S.2. There is a system to monitor the implementation of the SDP.

- Procedure Manual for Institutional Planning

- Guideline for Monitoring the OPCR


I.1. The institution's Planning and Development Unit plans, monitors and evaluates planned activities/ targets.

- Quality Manual for Planning

- Procedure Manual for Institutional Planning

- Procedure Manual for Objective, Target and Program (OTP) Setting

- SDP Proceedings

- Sample of OTP Monitoring and Operational Plan Monitoring

I.2. The planning process is a cooperative and participative endeavor of the administration, the faculty staff and the students.

- Quality Manual for Planning

- Procedure Manual for Institutional Planning

- Procedure Manual for Objective, Target and Program (OTP) Setting

- SDP Proceedings

- Sample of Operational Plan Monitoring

I.3. The SDP is implemented, monitored, evaluated, reviewed and updated regularly.

- Quality Manual for Planning

- Procedure Manual for Institutional Planning

- Procedure Manual for Objective, Target and Program (OTP) Setting

- SDP Proceedings

- Sample of OTP Monitoring and Operational Plan Monitoring


O.1. The SDP is congruent with the VMGO as well as with the local, regional and national development goals and agenda.

- VSU Strategic Plan 2017-2027

- DME Activities showing congruency with the VMGO

- Matrix showing congruency to the Regional and National Development Plan

Parameter H: Performance of Administrative Personnel

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has an approved performance evaluation system for administrative personnel which includes the following items:

S.1.1. competence;

S.1.2. quality of work;

S.1.3. work ethic (punctuality, wise use of time, etc.);

S.1.4. creative ability and innovativeness;

S.1.5. ability to handle internal and external pressures; and

S.1.6. interpersonal relations.

- Administrative Manual

- BOR Resolution No. 35 series of 2016

- VSU Strategic Performance Management System

- Civil Service Commission (CSC) Approval of the SPMS

- Procedure Manual on Performance Management

- Procedure Manual on Grant of Rewards and Recognition

- Guideline on Monitoring the OPCR


I.1. The institution regularly monitors and evaluates the performance of the administrative staff.

- Sample of the Plantilla of Personnel, Performance Rating of VSU Employees, and DME IPCR from 2018 to


- DME OPCR from 2018 to 2020

I.2. The results of performance evaluation of the administrative personnel are utilized:

I.2.1. to improve performance and delivery of service; and

I.2.2. for promotion.

- Sample of the Department of Budget and Management - Special Allotment Release Order (DBM-SARO) on Notice of Salary Increment (NOSI), Performance Rating of VSU Employees, and DME IPCR from 2018 to 2020

- DME OPCR 2018-2020

- DME Administrative Staff Appointment, Notice of Salary Adjustment (NOSA) and PDS


O.1. The administrative personnel have commendable performance.

- VSU Annual Report 2017-2019

- Photo documentation on the Recognition and Awards Received by the VSU personnel posted at the VSU website