
Supporting Documents

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S.1 The institution's research agenda is in consonance with institutional, regional and national priorities concerned such as DOST, CHED - National Higher Education Research Agenda, NEDA, etc.

(1) Matrix of consonance of institution's research agenda with institutional, regional, and national priorities concerned

(2) Funding Approval Document from External Funding Agency

(3) Research Agenda - DA, DOST

(4) Institution's Research Agenda

(5) Regional Development Plan

(6) College of Engineering RDE Agenda

(7) Department of Mechanical Engineering RDE Agenda

S.2 The institution has an approved Research Manual.

(1) VSU Approved Research Manual

(2) BOR Resolution approving the Research Manual


I.1. The approved research agenda is implemented.

(1) Appointments

(2) List of MOAs and MOAs

(3) Budget /Fund Released, Funding

(4) Publications

(5) Matrix on researches conducted and agenda alignment, RDE Agenda

I.2. The following stakeholders participate in the formulation of research agenda as bases for identifying institutional thrusts and priorities:

I.2.1. administrators;

(1) VSU Strategic Plan 2017-2027

(2) RDE Agenda formulation by Research Center directors and College deans

I.2.2. faculty;

(1) RDE Agenda formulation

I.2.3. students;

(1) RDE Agenda formulation

I.2.4. government agency representatives (DOST, CHED, NEDA, etc.); and

(1) RDE Agenda formulation attended by government representatives

(2) Focus group discussion on Regional Development Council VIII

I.2.5. other stakeholders (alumni, parents, etc.).

(1) Focus group discussion on Regional Development Council VIII

I.3. Action researches to test theory in practice are conducted by faculty and students.

(1) Transmittal - Manuscript

(2) Thesis Advising

(3) Educational Field Trip Documentations (Documentation, Pictures)

I.4. Team/collaborative and interdisciplinary research is encouraged.

(1) MOA (list and MOAs) or Research Proposal (Collaborative Agencies)

I.5. Research outputs are published in refereed national and/or international journals.

(1) Listing of Publications

(2) Notice of acceptance

(3) Journal Article listing

(4) Journal Article


O.1. Priority researches are identified and conducted.

(1) Publications of outcomes (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

O.2. Research results are published.

(1) Publications (Castil, 2019; Manegdeg, Coronado, Paña, 2020)

(2) List of Faculty Publications of VSU



S.1. The institution has an approved and adequate budget for research.

(1) Approved Budget Allocation (indicating budget for research, admin, etc.)

(2) Breakdown of Allocation for Research and Extension, Research Budget Allocation

(3) Project Financial Report

S.2. There are provisions for the following:

S.2.1 facilities and equipment such as Internet, statistical software, and other ICT resources;

(1) Approved Budget Allocation for DME

(2) PPMP for DME

S.2.2 research staff;

(1) Appointment of research staff

S.2.3. supplies and materials; and

(1) Sub-allotment for DME

S.2.4 workplace.

(1) Budget Allocation for DME

(2) PPMP for DME


The Institution:

I.1. allocates adequate funds for the conduct of faculty and student research.

(1) Line Item Budget for Student Research signed by the Adviser or Project Leader

(2) Laboratory Funding

I.2. establishes linkages with the local/national/international agencies for funding support and assistance.

(1) MOA

(2) Matrix or list of linkages

I.3. maintains a functional and long-range program of faculty/staff development to enhance research capability and competence.

(1) Faculty and Staff Development Plan

(2) Fellowship Program/Grant

(3) Scholarship Grant

(4) Trainings abroad participated by DME faculty

I.4. encourages the conduct of externally funded researches.

(1) List of externally funded research

(2) Externally funded research proposed and established with DME

(3) MOA with DME


O.1. The Research Program is adequately funded.

(1) Research Budget Allocation

(2) List of Patented or Registered Technologies

(3) Success stories of utilization of VSU intellectual properties



S.1. There is a system of implementation, monitoring, evaluation and utilization of research outputs.

(1) Research Manual

(2) In-House Review

(3) BOR Resolution

S.2. There is a policy on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

(1) Handbook on IPR approved by BOR


I.1. The institution/College/Academic Unit has a Research Unit managed by competent staff.

(1) CV of College of Engineering Dean

(2) CV of the Department Head

(3) CV of DME Researchers

I.2. The Research Manual provides guidelines and procedures for the administration and conduct of research.

(1) Research Manual

I.3. The faculty conduct applied and operational researches in their fields of specialization in accordance with the thrusts and priorities of the program/institution.

(1) MOA

(2) Research conducted by faculty and affiliates

I.4. The institution provides incentives to faculty researchers such as honoraria, service credits, deloading, etc.

(1) Incentive by workload for faculty with research activities,

(2) Faculty Manual indicating incentives for faculty researchers

(3) Appointments of faculty and affiliate researchers

I.5. The College/Academic Unit requires its students to conduct research, as a course requirement, (whenever applicable).

(1) CMO for BSME Program

(2) Syllabus of courses requiring students to conduct research

I.6. The institution provides opportunities for advanced studies and/or training to enhance faculty/staff research competence.

(1) Staff and Faculty Development Plans, Guidelines on the availment of financial assistance from Faculty Development Fund

(2) List of trainings related to research competences attended by staff and faculty

I.7. Completed and on-going research studies are periodically monitored and evaluated in local and regional in-house reviews.

(1) Programmes of In-house reviews

(2) Pictures during In-house reviews

I.8. Research outputs are utilized as inputs in:

I.8.1. institutional development;

(1) VSU increased the budget for research in the last five years

I.8.2. the improvement of instructional processes; and

(1) Inclusion of new research findings or outputs to the course outline/syllabus/PowerPoint presentation

I.8.3. the transfer of generated technology/knowledge to the community.

(1) Extension training, program, pictures

I.9. Packaged technologies and new information are disseminated to the target clientele through appropriate delivery systems.

(1) Extension training and workshop

I.10. The institution ensures that:

I.10.1. research outputs are protected by IPR laws; and

(1) Certificate of Patent or pending patent application

I.10.2. faculty and students observe research ethics to avoid malpractices like plagiarism, fabrication of data, etc.

(1) Orientation program for both faculty and students about plagiarism


O.1. Implementation, monitoring, evaluation and research utilization of outputs are effective.

(1) List of publications



S.1. The institution has an approved and copyrighted Research Journal.

(1) Excerpts of (ATR) Annals of Tropical Research - International Scientific Journal published by VSU, Screenshot of ATR Website

(2) Graduate School Journal of VSU

S.2. The institution has incentives for:

S.2.1. paper presentations;

(1) Certificate of paper presentation as a resource person or presenter

(2) Photos during paper presentation

(3) Copy of PowerPoint presentation

S.2.2. journal publication;

(1) Guideline in granting the Publication Incentive Award, Application for Publication Incentive Award

(2) BOR Resolution approving the Publication Incentive Award

(3) Research Manual

S.2.3. outstanding research related performance; and

(1) Policy on Publication Incentive Award, Application for Publication Incentive Award

S.2.4. patented outputs.

(1) VSU Policy on giving of Patent Award


I.1. The institution provides opportunities for the dissemination of research results in fora, conferences, serminars, and other related means.

(1) Paper/poster presentation in conferences

(2) Photos of paper presentation

I.2. The institution regularly publishes a research journal.

(1) Annals of Tropical Research journal

(2) Science and Humanities Journal of VSU Graduate School

I.3. Library exchange of research publications with other Hel's and agencies is maintained.

(1) List of Library Exchange Research Publication

I.4. Research manuscripts/technical reports are well-written and edited following the institutional format.

(1) Format, Excerpt, and Reviewers of ATR

(2) Excerpt, List of Reviewers, and format of Science and Humanities Journal

I.5. The institution supports the researchers in all of the following activities:

I.5.1. Instructional Materials Development;

(1) Appointments of Instructional Materials Development Committee

I.5.2. paper presentations, journal publication, classroom lectures, and other similar activities;

(1) Certificate of attendance to workshop re publication writing by DME faculty

I.5.3. editorship/writing in academic, scientific and professional journals;

(1) Certificate as a reviewer in other journals

I.5.4. thesis/dissertation advising; and

(1) Approval sheet/transmittal of student research

(2) Manuscript of student research

(3) Thesis/research project advising

I.5.5. patenting of research outputs.

(1) Certificate of Patents or patent applications

I.6. Research results are published preferably in refereed journals.

(1) Castil, 2019; Manegdeg, Coronado, Paña, 2020

(2) Volume of published journal (Paña); SPVM (Castil)

I.7. Research results are disseminated to the target clientele.

(1) Certificate of conduct as a resource person

(2) Picture of paper presentation

I.8. The College/Academic Unit generates income from patents, licenses, copyrights, and other research outputs.

(1) List of MOAs, MOAs


O.1. Research outputs are published in refereed journals.

(1) Publication to IOP: Earth and Environmental Science

(2) List of Citations of VSU publications

(3) Citation of DME faculty published research paper

(4) VSU Publication awardees

O.2. Research outputs are utilized.

(1) Research output of DME research project is utilized

(2) Success Stories of VSU Intellectual Properties

O.3. Patented and copyrighted research outputs are commercialized.

(1) MOA, pictures of products, outputs, income generation for the university