Support to Students

Supporting Documents

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S.1. The institution has Student Services Program (SSP)

    1. Student Services Program

S.2. The Student Affairs Services (SAS) program is consistent with the vision and mission of the institution goals of the College/Academic Unit and objectives of the Program.

    1. Vision, Mission, and Goals of the Student Affairs Services

S.3. The objectives of the SAS are clearly defined

  1. Student Affairs Services Objectives

S.4. The objectives of the SAS are in accordance with CMO No. 9 series of 2013.

  1. SAS Objectives and CMO No. 9 s, 2013

S.5. The SAS is composed of:

S.5.1. student welfare programs and services; and

  1. Student Welfare Services

S.5.2. student development programs and services.

  1. Student Development Services

S.6. The following basic services are available:


S.6.1. Student Welfare;

S.6.1.1. Information and Orientation Services;

  1. Information and Orientation Services

S.6.1.2. Guidance and Counseling Services;

    1. Guidance and Counseling Services

S.6.1.3Career and Job Placement Services;

    1. Career and Job Placement Services

S.6.1.4Economic Enterprise Development; and

    1. Economic Enterprise Development

S.6.1.5Student Handbook Development.

  1. Student Handbook Development

S.6.2. Student Development;

S.6.2.1. Student Activities;

    1. Student Activities

S.6.2.2. Student Organization and Activities;

    1. Student Organizations

S.6.2.3. Leadership Training;

    1. Student Leadership Training

S.6.2.4. Student Council/Government;

    1. Student Council

S.6.2.5. Student Discipline; and

    1. Student Discipline

S.6.2.6. Student Publication/Year Book.

    1. Student Publication

S.6.3. Institutional Student Programs and Services;

S.6.3.1. Admission Services;

    1. Admission Services

S.6.3.2. Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA);

  1. Scholarship and Financial Assistance

S.6.3.3. Food Services;

    1. Food Services

S.6.3.4. Health and Wellness Services;

    1. Health and Wellness Services

S.6.3.5. Safety and Security Services;

    1. Safety and Security Services

S.6.3.6. Student Housing and Residential Services;

  1. Student Housing

S.6.3.7. Multi-faith and Inter-faith Services;

    1. Multi-faith and Inter-faith Services

S.6.3.8. Foreign/International Students Services (whenever applicable);

      1. International Services

S.6.3.9. Services for Students with Special Needs;

      1. Services for Students with Special Needs

S.6.3.10. Culture and Arts Programs;

    1. Culture and Arts Program

S.6.3.11. Sports and Development Programs;

    1. Sports and Development Programs

S.6.3.12. Social and Community Involvement Programs; and

    1. Social and Community Involvement Programs

S.6.3.13. others (please specify)

Student Affairs and Services Unit

S.7. There is a SAS Unit that manages student affairs development and welfare programs.

    1. Student Affairs Services

S.8. The SAS Unit has an organizational structure indicating its relationship with other Units.

    1. Student Affairs Services Organizational Structure

S.9. The SAS Unit is headed by a qualified official.

    1. Student Affairs Services Head

S.10. The SAS unit is staffed with qualified personnel.

    1. Student Affairs Services Staff

Administrative Support

S.11. The various student services are provided with adequate staff, physical facilities, equipment and materials (e.g. one (1) guidance counselor for every 1,000 students, etc.)

  1. Facilities

S.12.There is sufficient budget allocation for the Student Affairs and Services of the institution.

    1. Budget


I.1. The objectives of the SAS are disseminated to and understood by the students, faculty, staff and administrators.

    1. Dissemination

I.2. The SAS plans, implements, monitors and coordinates programs and services for student welfare and development.

    1. Student Affairs Services Planning

I.3.Prompt, courteous and efficient services in the handling of business transactions with students are evident.

    1. Efficient Services

I.4. The SAS staff receive salaries on time

    1. Salary

I.5. The SAS is represented in the policy and decision-making body of the institution.

    1. Representation

I.6. The projects and activities of the SAS Unit are recognized and implemented.

    1. Recognized Project

I.7. There is a continuous and systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs and services for student welfare and development.

    1. Evaluation


O.1.The students are satisfied with the Student Services Programs.



S.1.The institution has a Student Handbook containing comprehensive information on programs and services for student welfare and development.

  1. Introduction

  2. Student Handbook

  3. Undergrad. Student Handbook

  4. Comm. To update and Revise VSU Student Handbook

  5. Graduate Student Handbook

S.2. A regular and comprehensive Orientation Program is held for new, returning and continuing students.

  1. Introduction

  2. Orientation and Information Services

  3. Guidelines in the Conduct of the Orientation of Students

  4. Faculty and Student Onboarding Plan for the New Normal

  5. Gen. Orientation Program for New Students - RDE-2019

  6. Gen. Orientation Program for New Students - CC-2018

  7. N/A

  8. Orientation Program 2016

  9. Attendance

  10. Orientation Program 2014

  11. Orientation Program 2013

  12. Orientation Program 2015

  13. Presentation 2018

S.3. The information materials on educational, career, personal and social concerns are readily available such as:

  1. Introduction

S.3.1. R.A. 9262 or Anti Violence Against Women and Children Act;

  1. RA 9262 Anti-violence against women and their Children

S.3.2. Anti-Bullying Act;

  1. Anti-bullying Act of 2013

S.3.3. Guidelines on drug abuse prevention and control;

  1. Dangerous Drug Act

S.3.4.R.A. 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995;

  1. RA 8788 - Anti-Sexual Harassment

  2. Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Anti-Harrasment Act of 1995

S.3.5. HIV AIDS awareness;

  1. HIV Awareness and Education

S.3.6. Self-care and healthy lifestyle; and

S.3.7. R.A. 9442, particularly on the provision on public ridicule and vilification against persons with disability.

  1. Act 9442 Magna Carte for Disabled Persons and for other Purposes

S.4. The Guidance and Counseling Program provides the following services:

  1. Introduction

  2. Guidance Program (2020-2022)

  3. Guidance Program (2016-2019)

S.4.1. information and inventory;

  1. information Inventory

S.4.2. counseling;

  1. Counseling

S.4.3. appraisal and testing;

  1. Quality Procedure Psychological Testing Program

S.4.4. placement and follow-up; and

  1. Placement follow-up

S.4.5. referral.

  1. Referral

S.5. Gender-sensitive individual and group counseling is provided.

  1. Introduction

  2. Guidance Manual (2013-2016)

  3. Gender and Culture Sensitive Counseling

  4. Gender Sensitive Individual and Group Counseling is provided

S.6. Counseling Services consider cultural differences.

  1. Introduction

  2. Guidance Manual (2013-2016)

  3. Gender and Culture Sensitive Counseling

S.7. The Guidance Program is headed by a licensed Guidance Counselor with at least a master's degree in Guidance and Counseling.

  1. Introduction

  2. Appointment of SWS Head

  3. Brit PDS

  4. Brit Liscense

  5. VSU Staff Profile Form Castañeda

  6. CV Castañeda

S.8. All the Guidance Counselors are licensed.

  1. Introduction

  2. PRC Liscense - CABrit

  3. PRC Liscense - JAP

  4. PRC Liscense - MAC

  5. PRC Liscense - MAGCobico

  6. PRC Liscense - Mpascual

S.9. The Guidance Program is supported by qualified staff.

  1. Introduction

  2. SWS Staff Profile

  3. Admin Staff Profile

S.10. Every student has an updated profile at the guidance office.

  1. Introduction

  2. GC S10 - Updated Profile

  3. Updated Inventory of Student Cumulative Records

S.11. A counseling room is provided for students including those with special needs.

  1. Introduction

  2. Deans Office

  3. Dean Staff Office

  4. Counseling Room is Provided for Students with special needs

  5. Counseling Room

  6. MA Castañeda Guidance Coordinator

  7. USSO Individual Office Room

S.12. There is a well-planned assessment program for students with appropriate standardized psychological tests.

  1. QP Testing Guide

  2. QP Testing Freshman

  3. Psychological Test Program

  4. Plan Conduct of Test

  5. Test Material Classification

  6. Test Materials (Cover Only)

S.13. Career seminars and job placement services are available for the students.

  1. Career Programs 2020-2021

  2. Career Programs 2017

  3. Career Programs 2016

  4. Career Programs 2015

  5. Career Assessment Procedure

  6. Guidelines for Pre-Employment

  7. Guidelines for Career Talk

  8. Guidelines Job Fair

  9. Career and Placement Program

  10. Quality Procedure Jib Fair Procedure

S.14. There is a mechanism to establish partnership and collaboration with other institutions, agencies and industry.

  1. Invites - Outgoing

  2. MOA - Industry OJT

  3. MOA Industry Partners

  4. Sample Letters

  5. Special Recruitment

  6. career Program Flyers

  7. Job Fair 2013

  8. Job Fair 2014

  9. Job Fair 2015

  10. Job Fair 2016

  11. Memo of Agreement HRTM

  12. Invites Outgoing

  13. MOA Industry OJT

S.15. There is mechanism for storing and archiving student records for reference purposes.

  1. QP-USSO Storing Retriving Records

  2. PIA Counseling Proposal

  3. PIA Counseling

  4. Records Manual (Final Draft)


I.1. The ratio of a Guidance Counselor to student population is 1:1000.

  1. Introduction

  2. Counselor Student Ratio

  3. Letter Request Aditional - GC

  4. GC - Recruit Interview

  5. OPCR (Jan.-Jun. 2019)

  6. OPCR (Jul.-Dec.2019)

  7. OPCR (2020)

  8. OPCR 2021

  9. OTP (2021)

I.2. Counseling and other student records are maintained and kept confidential.

  1. Introduction

  2. Confidentiality

  3. Guidance Office-Student Cumulative Records

  4. Counselor Cabenit 1

  5. Counselor Cabenit 2

  6. Student Record Room

I.3. Appropriate intervention programs and services are adopted to promote and enhance student welfare and development.

  1. Introduction

  2. Policies and Guidelines on Vocational Counseling for Shifters

  3. Sample Counseling Prior Shifting

I.4. The Guidance Office maintains an updated inventory of student cumulative records.

  1. Introduction

  2. Guidance Office-Student Cumulative Records

I.5. The psychological tests are administered, scored and interpreted by qualified staff and the results are kept confidential.

  1. Introduction

  2. PRC Liscense - JAPanonce

  3. CV -JAPanonce

  4. Testing Guideline

  5. TestingUnit Annual Report

  6. Psych Exam Schedule (2013-2014)

  7. Psych Exam Schedule (2014-2015)

  8. Sample Test-Interpretation

  9. Sample Test Results

  10. Sample Testing Vocational Counseling

  11. Confidentiality-Policy

I.6. The test results are disseminated to concerned parties.

  1. Introduction

  2. Dissemination to Academic Units

I.7. Test results are utilized in designing activities to meet student needs.

  1. Introduction

  2. Tutorial 2020

  3. Tutorials 2019

  4. Tutorials 2018

  5. Summary Tutorial Activities (2013-2017)

  6. Tutorials 2016

I.8. A scheme for appropriate follow-up and referrals is utilized.

  1. Introduction

  2. Sample Referral ODS1

  3. Sample Referral ODS2

  4. Referrals for Counseling 1

  5. Referral for Counseling 2

  6. Sample Counseling Referral Filled-up

I.9. The Guidance Office prepares valid appraisal data of students for career and job placement.

  1. Skills Assessment 2015

  2. Introduction

  3. Sample Skills Registration 2016

  4. Skill Assessment 2015

I.10. Student placement is regularly monitored and followed up.

  1. Student Cohorts 2011-2012

  2. Student Cohorts 2012-2013

  3. Student Cohorts 2013-2014

  4. Student Cohorts 2014-2015

  5. Student Cohorts 2015-2016

  6. Student Cohorts 2016-2017

  7. Student Cohorts 2017-2018

  8. Student Cohorts 2018-2019

  9. Student Cohorts 2019-2020

  10. Introduction

  11. Alumni Directory

  12. CAFS Graduate Tracer Survey

I.11. The institution maintains active networking with the schools, the communities, alumni, and other concerned agencies for career and job placement of students.

  1. Introduction

  2. Directory Partner Industry

  3. Sample MOA OJT 2018

  4. MOA OJT 1

  5. MOA OJT 2

  6. MOA OJT 3

  7. MOA Industry OJT

  8. MOA Industry Partners

I.12. Career counseling is provided to enable students to choose appropriate major/field of specialization

  1. Introduction

  2. Summary Shifting

  3. Policies and Guidelines on Vocational Counseling

  4. Career and Placement Program 2017

  5. Career and Placement Program 2016

  6. Summary Shifting

I.13. Information materials on career and job opportunities are made accessible.

  1. Introduction

  2. DYD Career Talk

  3. Company Request

  4. Sample Letter Requests

  5. Job Posts

I.14. The SAS maintains liaison with its alumni to follow up graduates job performance, vis-a vis;

  1. Introduction

I.14.1. awards received;

  1. PRC Recognition

I.14.2. key positions in private and/or government agencies; and

I.14.3. status of the enterprise, if applicable.

I.15. Skills development programs are conducted.

  1. Introduction

  2. DOLE-Skills 2017

  3. DOLE-Skills 2016

  4. DOLE-Skills 2015

  5. Skills Assessment 2015

  6. Special Recruitment 2017

I.16. The students are given assistance in career and job placement.

  1. Introduction

  2. Character Enhancement Seminar

  3. Job Seeking Seminars

  4. Pre-Employment Seminar

I.17. The institution encourages student economic ventures such as but not limited to:

  1. Introduction

I.17.1. student laboratory cooperatives;

  1. BSHRTM Coop

I.17.2. entrepreneurial activities/projects;

  1. Business Summit

  2. Sample Fund Raising Permit

  3. Sample Fund Raising Activity

  4. Dorm Mini Sari-sari 2016

  5. VSU Anniversary 2016

  6. Students Business Proposal for DOLE

  7. Students Enterprises Activity Anniversary 2015

  8. Fund Raising Pics

  9. Trade Fair Pics

I.17.3. savings; and

  1. Bank Books

  2. Resolutions (Students Org.)

I.17.4. others (please specify)

I.18. Updated information on student welfare and development are accessible and disseminated.

  1. Introduction

  2. Guidance Awareness 2015

  3. DYDC Serbisyo Estudyanti

  4. Distance Learning Tips

  5. Niko Pani

I.19. The student body is involved in the development and revision of Student Handbook.

  1. Introductory Statement

  2. Comm-Output

  3. Different Year Editions from ViSCA Student Handbook

  4. Handbook Revision Picture at Isabel

  5. Memo

  6. Minutes for Update and Revision of the VSU Student Handbook

  7. Minutes of Hanbook Revision

  8. Sample Handbook Issuance


O.1. Quality student welfare services are available.

  1. Introduction

  2. Customer Satisfaction 2016

  3. Evaluation Student Services

  4. Student Opinion Survey-Draft Results

  5. Students Activities Evaluation



S.1. The institution has a system of accreditation, monitoring and evaluation of student organizations.

  1. Introductory Statement

  2. Guideline-Student-Activity

  3. Accreditation-Student-Organization

  4. Proposed Guidelines Criteria for Renewal

  5. Monitoring Evaluation

  6. Committee Composition

  7. Evaluation Forms

S.2. The institution provides adequate office space and other forms of support to accredited student organizations.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Processing for the Use of Student Center

  3. Student Center

  4. Students Center

  5. USSC Office Admin Bldg

  6. USSCF Office Under Construction

  7. Pics of Org Offices

  8. Other Venues

  9. Student Organizations Benefits

S.3. There is coordination between the school administration and SAS concerning students with drug and other related problems.

  1. Anti-illegal Drugs Symposium

  2. Anti-Drugs (am)

  3. Anti Drugs (pm)

S.4. A mechanism to address student grievance is in place.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Grievance Procedure (Proposed)

S.5. Programs and opportunities to develop and enhance leadership among students are provided.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Guideline-Student-Activity

  3. Leadership Incampus Training

  4. Selection Delegates leadership offcampus

  5. Development Plan 2018-23

  6. DevPlan 2014-17


I.1. Requirements and procedures for recognition/accreditation of student organizations are widely disseminated.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Dissemination

  3. Announcements Accreditation

  4. Committee Evaluation

  5. New Organization Application

  6. Recognized Student Organizations

  7. Sample Certificate Recognition

I.2. The Constitution and by-laws of student organizations incorporate participation and advocacy in social action activities.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Sample CBL

I.3. The institution conducts leadership training.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. seminar off campus pics 2014-2017

  3. 2020 Leadership Summit

  4. 2019 Leadership Summit

  5. 2018 Leadership Summit

  6. 2017 Leadership Summit

  7. 2016 Leadership Summit

  8. 2016 Time Congress

  9. 2015 Time Congress

  10. CAS Leadership Seminar

  11. Round Table Kumustahan Discussion

  12. 2020 off-campus Leadership

  13. 2019 off-campus Leadership

  14. 2018 off-campus Leadership

  15. 2017 off-campus Leadership

  16. 2016 off-campus Leadership

  17. 2015 off-campus Leadership

  18. Peer Facilitators Training

I.4. The institution recognizes the right of the students to:

  1. Introductory statement

I.4.1. govern themselves as a student body;

  1. Govern

  2. USSC CSSC Program of Activities

  3. USSC Accomplishments

I.4.2. be transparent and accountable to their constituents; and

  1. Transparency Accountability

I.4.3. be represented in various for a where the students need to be consulted.

  1. Representation

I.5. The institution ensures transparency in the development/revision of guidelines and procedures for the student council/government.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Amaranth Fee Increase

  3. Board Meeting Proposals

  4. Council Projects

  5. Death Assistance

  6. Increase Membership Fee

  7. USSC Program of Activities 2015-16

  8. USSO Coordination

I.6. The institution implements gender and disability sensitive rules and regulations published in a Student Handbook/Manual acceptable to students.

  1. Book III

  2. Handbook Revision picture at Isabel

I.7. Sanctions are enforced for misconduct such as but not limited to acts of vandalism, hazing, bullying, libelous statements and other negative acts that threaten peace and order inside and outside the school premises.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Discipline Recom

I.8. Grievance Committee is established to ensure due process in dealing with students’ misconduct.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Student Disciplinary Committee

  3. University Grievance Committee (1)

I.9. The institution supports the establishment and implementation of student publication as provided for in R.A. 7079, otherwise known as "Campus Journalism Act of 1991" and other media forms.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Republic act no 7079

  3. Amaranth policies and guidelines

  4. Editorial Board 2019

  5. Amaranth issues covers

  6. Advisers

  7. letter requests

  8. Amaranth Awards

I.10. The production/publication of a yearbook is encouraged.

  1. Introductory statement


O.1. Quality student development services are assured.

  1. 2 Gil Testimonial

  2. 3Moniza Testimonial

  3. Awardees

  4. video 1617975953

  5. video 1617976152



S.1. There is a system of student recruitment, selection, admission and retention.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Recruitment Procedure

  3. Admission Procedure (before Pandemic)

  4. Admission Procedure under New Normal

  5. Draft of New Admission Policy

  6. Enrolment New Students

  7. Enrolment Continuing

  8. Enrolment Returning

  9. Retention

  10. Proposal to Revise Admission Policy and to Conduct Online College Admission Test in the New Normal

  11. Reframing Core Program New Normal Admissions Office

S.2. Admission requirements and procedures of persons with disabilities as stipulated in R.A. 7277 are in place.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Enrolment New Students

  3. Enrolment Continuing

  4. Enrolment Returning

  5. BOR Affirmative Admission

  6. PROPOS 1

S.3. Scholarships and financial assistance in various forms are available to students.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. VSU Scholarship Grant Guideline

  3. Non VSU Scholarship Guideline

  4. PM SSO 03 Application for VSU Funder undergraduate Scholarship and grants

  5. FM SSO 18 Scholarship and Grant Application Form Rev.00 07-16-19 (3)

  6. PM SSO 04 Application for Student Assistantship

  7. SAFE loan guideline

  8. SAFE Loan promissory

  9. ViSCA SELF Loan Guideline

  10. SFAS Form 1

  11. SFAS Form 2

S.4. Policies and guidelines are institutionalized for students from marginalized sector of the country.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Policies Marginalized Students

S.5. There is a policy on wellness and healthy lifestyle.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Health and Wellness Program

  3. Health and Wellness Services

  4. Hospital Policies

S.6. Buildings and facilities which conform with government standards are provided with accessible and safe amenities for persons with disabilities.

  1. Introductory statement

S.7. There is a disaster risk reduction and management program in compliance with R.A. 10121, otherwise known as the "Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010".

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Structure of University

  3. Crisis Management Committee

  4. Appointments

  5. Memo Emergency Response Team

  6. Disaster Consciousness and preparedness

  7. Basic Life Support (BLS) Program



  10. VSU Crisis Management Program Draft2 (Feb. 19, 2021)

S.8. Policies on the use of student facilities are in place.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Guidelines for the Use of Student Center

  3. Guidelines for the Use of Sport Facilities

  4. Request form Gym

  5. Revised Gym Form and Regulations

  6. Guidelines swimming pool

  7. guideline CCE use

  8. Guideline Conv Center use

S.9. A integrated service program that caters to the various needs of foreign students are available, whenever applicable.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Structure of University

  3. BOR Resolution no 61, s 2012

  4. VSU International Affairs Visayas State University

  5. Admission for Foreign Students Visayas State University

  6. Cultural Activities Visayas State University

  7. Certificate of Accreditation

S.10. A liaison officer is available to assist foreign students in their transactions with concerned government agencies, whenever applicable

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Appointment Dr. Quilicot

  3. Appointment Dr. Gravoso

  4. Certificate of Accreditation

  5. Accreditation of Ms Delia Silao at Bureau of Immigration

  6. Quilicot accreditation

S.11. There are programs for life skills training (e.g. conflict and stress management, harassment, etc.) counseling, testing and referrals for students with special needs.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Guidance and Counseling Program (2016-2019)

  3. CMO No1 series of 2015

  4. VSU IRR on SH

  5. Holistic Stress Management

  6. Mental Health

  7. Social graces and business etiquette

  8. stress management module in Powerpoint

  9. stress management

S.12. The institution provides opportunities for promotion and appreciation of culture and arts.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. CAC Vision and mission

  3. CAC Organizational Structure

  4. Culture and the Arts Strat Plan 2019

  5. CAC Appointments

  6. CAC Report for USSO July 2018

  7. VSU Night 2019

S.13. The institution has well equipped offices for:

  1. Introductory statement

S.13.1 Culture and the Arts;

S.13.2. Sports Development;

  1. Inventory of sports equipment

  2. IHK Facilities

  3. IHK PRs Equipment

  4. Sports Equipment

  5. VSU Sports Facilities

S.13.3. Student Publications; and

  1. Amaranth Facilities

S.13.4 Medical-Dental Clinic.

  1. Dental Pictures

  2. Dental Supplies and Equipment's

  3. Inventory of Supplies and Materials (Medicines)

  4. List of Equipment's

  5. VSU Hospital office pre Covid pix

S.14. There is well-furnished medical-dental clinic.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. VSU Hospital Pics

S.15. There is a medical and dental program designed for:

S.15.1. diagnostic purposes;

  1. Diagnostic service

S.15.2. first aid;

  1. First aid services

S.15.3. prevention and prophylaxis; and

  1. preventive dental programs

  2. Preventive services

S.15.4. physical-dental exam.

  1. Physical dental examination services

S.16. An updated information on student health condition is available to parents/guardians.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. student record in database

  3. VSU hospital record room pix

S.17. There are mechanisms to promote national, sectoral and cultural sports activities and development in coordination with concerned agencies.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. CAC Report July 2018

  3. CAC Report upto 2017

  4. PASUC pics 2015

  5. Pop solo 2015

  6. Radio pix 2015

  7. Tarp pasuc2-2-15

  8. SCUAA 2015 prep

S.18. There are financial assistance programs designed for:

  1. Introductory statement

S.18.1. educational loans;

  1. SAFE load guideline

  2. ViSCA SELF load guideline

S.18.2. student assistantship;

  1. PM SSO 1

S.18.3. attendance to seminars, training (sports, leadership, etc.;

  1. Selecting Delegates off campus leadership

S.18.4. grants-in-aid; and

  1. Scholarship grants guideline

S.18.5. others (please specify)


I.1. The faculty and students are properly informed of the admission guidelines and retention policies.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. VSU Info flyer

  3. Presentation Academic Policies

  4. Faculty and Student Onboarding Plan for the New Normal

  5. Orientation RDE 2019

  6. Orientation CC 2018

  7. Annual Gen. Orientation 2016

  8. Annual Gen. Orientation 2015

  9. Annual Gen. Orientation 2014

I.2. The policies and procedures on selection, admission and retention of students are implemented.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. CAT Takers Qualifiers

  3. Admission summary

  4. Enrollment Trend

  5. Implementation Retention Policy

  6. Sample Special Probation

  7. Sample Probation 2017-2020

I.3. The following student admission records are filed and made available to concerned parties:

  1. Introductory statement

I.3.1. enrollment trends;

  1. Enrolment Trend by Program

I.3.2. drop-out rate;

  1. Drop-out Rate

I.3.3. licensure examination results and passing percentage;

  1. Licensure Examination Results and Passing Percentage

I.3.4. employability of graduates;

  1. Employment Data of Graduates

I.3.5. student transferees; and

  1. Student transferees

I.3.6. student classification by specialization.

I.4. Retention policies are approved by the Academic Council and confirmed by the Board of Regents/ Trustees.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. VSU code Retention policy

  3. Retention policy

I.5. The list of tuition and other school fees is posted conspicuously.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. list of tuition

I.6. The institution provides access to scholarship and financial assistance.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. scholarships info dissemination

  3. Posting USSO FB

  4. Appointment Mr. Panonce

  5. Appointment Ms. Brit Scholarship Coordinator

  6. PM S 1

  7. Serbisyo Estudyante Certification 2020

  8. Appointment Scholarship Committee 2019202120210330

  9. Minutes student scholarship committee20210330

  10. Minutes Student Scholarships Committee20210323

  11. Summary VSU Scholars

  12. Summary non VSU Scholars

  13. summary other FAP

I.7. Guidelines on scholarship and financial assistance are widely and promptly disseminated.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Scholarship info Dissemination

  3. Posting USSO FB

  4. Scholarship Flyer

I.8. Criteria for safety, sanitation and food choices in the school canteen/cafeteria are enforced.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Health food committee

  3. Draft Guidelines for Food Safety and Sanitation (NEW)

  4. Canteen pictures

I.9. The institution coordinates with the local government for the safety and sanitation of food service outside the school premises.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Barangay Cafeteria

  3. Food Survey Private

  4. Food Services facilities

I.10. The institution periodically inspects food outlets for sanitation and hygiene. The sanitary permit is displayed in a prominent area of the food outlet.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Sanitary Permit

  3. Food Services Permits displayed

  4. Sanitation Committee Meeting mar14

I.11. The primary health care services are administered to all students by licensed medical, dental and allied professionals.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. VSU Staff profile

  3. VSU Hospital Office Pix

  4. VSU Hospital Equipment pix

  5. VSU Hospital Supply pix

  6. Faculty and Student Onboarding Plan for the New Normal Visayas State University

  7. USHER Manpower Profile 2021

  8. Medical Certificate issued to students 2020

  9. Adopting to the New Normal in Hospital Setting

  10. 2020 Annual Report

I.12. Facilities for keeping health care and updated health records of students are adequate and well-maintained.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. USHER Annual Report 2020

  3. VSU Hospital Student Recordroom pix

  4. Student Record in database

  5. 2020 Student Census

  6. Medical Certificate issued to students 2020

I.13. Policies and procedures in the selection of student athletes, performers, writers, etc. are implemented.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Varsity sports Program

  3. . Parent Consent Athlete

  4. Athlete Application

  5. Athlete Evaluation

  6. Appointment coaches

I.14. Health and related laws, rules and regulations are enforced.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Adopting to the New Normal in Hospital Setting

  3. Statement on the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency 2-11-2020

I.15. Licensed and competent security personnel ensure the safety and security of students.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Organizational structure

  3. Masterlist of personnel

  4. SG Manpower 2016

  5. Licensed and Competent Security Personnel

  6. Sample License

  7. Security Programs

  8. Securing Perimeter Fences

I.16. Earthquake and fire drills involving students, faculty and administrative staff are conducted regularly.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. DRRM Programs and Trainings

  3. List First Responders

  4. Fire Drill

  5. DRRM Drill Dorm

  6. Pictures Students Drill

I.17. The institution establishes programs for the students to help in crime prevention, cleanliness and orderliness, observance of a clean and green environment, safety and security of the school premises.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. students Alay Linis

  3. Cleaning assignment of student organization

  4. community work

  5. coastal clean up

  6. pictures observance of a clean and green environment

  7. pictures on cleanup

  8. safety and security of the school premises

  9. securing perimeter fences

I.18. The institution provides assistance to students on accessible, affordable, clean, conducive to learning, dormitories and housing facilities.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Dorm Flyers

  3. Dorm residents

  4. Dorm rates advisers

  5. sample dorm activities 2018-2020

  6. Dorm repair

  7. Private BH Survey

I.19. The institution ensures that the students right to practice his/her religion is respected.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. religious organizations description

  3. religious orgs description

  4. religious activities

  5. ambassador for Christ

  6. AMICUS Registration 2019-2020

  7. CBI Activity Permit 2019

  8. LA Activity Permit 2019

  9. LDSSA

  10. SOD Registration 2019-20

  11. SPARK Activity Permit 2018-19

  12. Student LinC Registration 2918-19

  13. The Builders

  14. Campus Ministry 2018-2019 pics

I.20. Submission of required reports on foreign students to concerned government agencies is done, whenever applicable.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Enrollment status report on Foreign students 2019-2020

  3. Enrollment status report on foreign students 2018-2019

  4. Enrollment status report on foreign students 2017-2018

I.21. The code of Conduct for foreign students in the country is enforced.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Guidelines for Graduate students from local and foreign universities

I.22. The institution accommodates students with special needs.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Ramp pix

I.23. There is regular submission of the list of students with special needs to the CHEDRO describing the institutions intervention programs.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. SAS Assessment

I.24. Sports development programs are regularly conducted.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. annual program

I.25. The institution ensures opportunities for students to participate in socio and civic action activities.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Socio Civic

  3. Community work

I.26. The students are covered with Life and Accident Insurance.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Student insurance policy

  3. amount of insurance claims

I.27. The institution rewards SAS staff for exceptional job performance.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. MBLoreto Award

  3. Cabrit

I.28 The institution informs the students and other stakeholders on other related programs and services not cited in CMO No.9 s. 2013.

  1. comparison of the CMO 9

  2. Training on Social and Emotional Development of Young Children…..

  3. Awareness Campaign Program

  4. VSU Hospital staff & employees Team building activity

  5. Comment/Recommendation

  6. Schistosomiasis Hospital

  7. Certification


O.1. The institutional programs and services develop student potentials to the fullest.



S.1 The institution has a research program on student affairs and services.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. USSO Research policy

S.2. There is mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of SAS programs.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. USSO Outcomes-Based M_E Guideline

S.3. Monitoring and evaluation instruments are available.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. student opinion survey

  3. evaluation student services

  4. evaluation food services form

  5. student customer satisfaction form

  6. survey exit

S.4. There is adequate funding for the conduct of SAS researches and monitoring and evaluation.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. research status


I.1. Researches on student affairs and services are conducted.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. abstract

  3. customer satisfaction 2016

  4. food safety and sanitation

  5. evaluation student services

  6. evaluation General orientation program 2016-2017

  7. USSO Service Rating 2016

  8. Student Opinion Survey (2013-2019)

  9. Supporting Struggling Grade 8 Science students 9- Motivation, Participation and performance through peer tutoring approach

  10. student survey proposal m,./';[[

I.2. Research results and outputs are disseminated and utilized.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. research status

I.3. Regular monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of student services are conducted.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. career guidance days report 2015

  3. evaluation results character enhancement scanned samples

  4. result evaluation of general orientation program 2016-2017

  5. guidance awareness report 2014

  6. activity evaluation

I.4. Monitoring and evaluation instruments are developed, reviewed, and continuously improved.

  1. Introductory statement

I.5. Reports are filed and submitted regularly to CHEDRO.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Flexible SAS Delivery mar 25, 2021

  3. Monitoring form student services new


O.1. Research outputs are presented and published.

  1. Introductory statement

  2. Certification Dr. Milla

  3. Report on survey of needs

  4. customer service rating result