Supporting Documents

Parameter A: Statement of Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives

System - Input and Processes

S.1. The institution has a system of determining the Vision and Mission

  1. VSU's System-Inputs and Processes in determining the Vision and Mission

  2. Quality Procedures in determining the Vision and Mission

S.2. The Vision clearly reflects what the institution hopes to become in the future

  1. VSU's System-Inputs and Processes in determining the Vision and Mission

  2. Quality Procedures in determining the Vision and Mission

  1. Vision of the Visayas State University

S.3. The Mission clearly reflects the institution's legal and other statutory mandates

  1. Copy of PD 700: Converting the Visayas Agricultural College into the Visayas State of Agriculture

  2. Copy of RA 9158: An Act Converting the Visayas State College of Agriculture into Leyte State University

  3. Copy of RA 9437, An Act Renaming Leyte State University as Visayas State University

  4. Copy of VSU Strat Plan 2012-2027 Containing the VMGO

S.4. The Goals of the college/academic unit are consistent with the mission of the institution

  1. Relationship Between VSU's VMGO to College of Engineering Quality Goals and Department of Mechanical Engineering Quality Objectives

  2. Goals of the College of Engineering and Technology

  3. Objectives of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

S.5. The objectives of the program have the expected outcomes in terms of competencies (skills and knowledge), values, and other attributes of the graduates which include the development of:

S.5.1. technical/pedagogical documents;

  1. VSU BSME Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  2. BSME Program Outcomes as per CMO 97 series of 2017

  3. Matrix of Relationship of BSME Program Objectives and Program Outcomes to the in the development of competencies

S.5.2. research and extension capabilities

  1. VSU BSME Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  2. BSME Program Outcomes as per CMO 97 series of 2017

  3. Matrix of Relationship of BSME Program Objectives and Program Outcomes to the in the development of competencies

S.5.3. student's own ideas, desirable attitudes, and personal discipline

  1. VSU BSME Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  2. BSME Program Outcomes as per CMO 97 series of 2017

  3. Matrix of Relationship of BSME Program Objectives and Program Outcomes to the in the development of competencies

S.5.4. moral character

  1. VSU BSME Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  2. BSME Program Outcomes as per CMO 97 series of 2017

  3. Matrix of Relationship of BSME Program Objectives and Program Outcomes to the in the development of competencies

S.5.5. critical analytical, problem-solving, and other higher-order thinking skills

  1. VSU BSME Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  2. BSME Program Outcomes as per CMO 97 series of 2017

  3. Matrix of Relationship of BSME Program Objectives and Program Outcomes to the in the development of competencies

S.5.6. aesthetic and cultural values

  1. VSU BSME Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  2. BSME Program Outcomes as per CMO 97 series of 2017

  3. Matrix of Relationship of BSME Program Objectives and Program Outcomes to the in the development of competencies


I.1. The institute/ college conducts a review on the statements of the vision and mission as well as its goals and program objectives for the approval of authorities concerned

  1. Memos related to the conduct of University Strategic Planning

  2. Proceedings of VSU Strategic Planning

  3. Attendance Sheet of the VSU Strat Plan

I.2. The college/academic unit follows a system of formulating its goals and the objectives of the program

  1. Minutes of the Collegewide Meeting that includes discussion of the 10 year development plan

  2. Minutes of department meeting that includes review of the alignment of department activities to the VMGO

  3. Department activities related to the review of the attainment of Program Educational Objectives

I.3. The college/academic unit's faculty, personnel, students, ad other stakeholders (cooperating agencies, linkages, alumni, industry sector and other concerned groups) participate in the formulation, review and /or revision of the VMGO

  1. Minutes of the Collegewide Meeting that includes discussion of the 10 year development plan

  2. Minutes of department meeting that includes review of the alignment of department activities to the VMGO

  3. Department activities related to the review of the attainment of Program Educational Objectives


O.1. The VMGO are crafter and duly approved by the BOR/BOT

  1. Copy of BOR Resolution No. 78, series of 2017 (Resolution approving the proposed institutional strategic development plan of the Visayas State University for 2017-2027)

  2. Copy of VSU Strategic Development Plan 2017-2027 (Cover Page to Table of Contents)

PARAMETER B: Dissemination and Acceptability

Systems - Inputs and Process

S.1. The VMGO are available on bulletin boards, in catalogs/manuals and in other forms of communication media

  1. Photo documentation of dissemination of the VMGO


I.1. A system of dissemination and acceptability of the VMGO is enforced

  1. Photo documentation of dissemination of the VMGO

  2. Study on the VSU VMGO Acceptance

I.2. The administrators/faculty attend in service seminars and training on awareness and acceptability of the:

1.2.1 Vision and Mission of the Institution

  1. Memos related to the conduct of University Strategic Planning

  2. Proceedings of VSU Strategic Planning

  3. Attendance Sheet of the VSU Strat Plan

  4. Copy of BOR Resolution No. 78, series of 2017 (Resolution approving the proposed institutional strategic development plan of the Visayas State University for 2017-2027)

  5. Copy of VSU Strategic Development Plan 2017-2027 (Cover Page to VMGO)

  6. Copy of Memorandum from the Office of the President on the conduct of ISO 9001-2015 awareness that includes discussion of the VMGO

  7. Study on the VSU VMGO Acceptance

I.2.2. Goals of the college. academic unit

  1. Conduct of Orientation of Newly Hired Faculty Members that includes discussion of goals of the academic unit and their functions, responsibilities, privileges and benefits as faculty members

  1. Conduct of ISO awareness webinar that includes the faculty and staff of the department

  1. Preparation and Evaluation of Course Syllabus checking the awareness of the faculty members to the goals of the department as well as its relation to the VMGO

  1. Study on the acceptance of VMGO

I.2.3. Objectives of the Program

  1. Conduct of Orientation of Newly Hired Faculty Members that includes discussion of goals of the academic unit and their functions, responsibilities, privileges and benefits as faculty members

  1. Conduct of ISO awareness webinar that includes the faculty and staff of the department

  1. Preparation and Evaluation of Course Syllabus checking the awareness of the faculty members to the goals of the department as well as its relation to the VMGO

  1. Study on the acceptance of VMGO

I.3. The formulation/review/revision of the VMGO is participated in by the following


  1. Memos related to the conduct of University Strategic Planning

  2. Proceedings of VSU Strategic Planning

  3. Attendance Sheet showing the attendance of administrators during the formulation and review of the VSU Strat Plan

I.3.2. faculty

  1. Memos related to the conduct of University Strategic Planning

  2. Proceedings of VSU Strategic Planning

  3. Attendance Sheet showing the attendance of administrators during the formulation and review of the VSU Strat Plan

I.3.3. staff

  1. Memos related to the conduct of University Strategic Planning

  2. Proceedings of VSU Strategic Planning

  3. Attendance Sheet showing the attendance of administrators during the formulation and review of the VSU Strat Plan

I.3.4. students; and

  1. Conduct of course review to check the attainment of the course outcomes which are aligned to VSU's VMGO

  2. Presentation of the VMGO in the class and discussing the role of students in the attainment of the VMGO

  3. Conduct of graduate tracer study to check the attainability of the set objectives

3.1 Tracer study form

3.2 Filled tracer forms

I.3.5. other stakeholders

  1. Conduct of survey on the feedback of employers of the VSU BSME graduates on their performance aligned to the set program educational objectives

1.1 Transmittal letter

1.2 Employer's feedback form

1.3 Filled feedback forms

  1. Conduct of survey on the feedback of parents on the performance of their child in the VSU BSME program and their inputs to improve quality of delivery of instruction

2.1 Survey form

2.2 Data on parents' survey

I.4. The faculty and staff perform their jobs/functions in consonance with the VMGO

  1. Copy of DME functional chart reflecting the functions of DME personnel

  2. Copy of DME OPCR and IPCR showing that faculty and staff performs their functions

2.1 Copy of DME OPCR

2.2 Copy of IPCR of DME faculty members

  1. Example copy of produced course syllabi as part of their responsibility

  2. Copy of individual faculty workload

  3. Copy of produced learning guides

  4. Teaching performance evaluation by students on the effectivity of the delivery of instruction

1.5. The VMGO are widely disseminated to the different agencies, institutions, industry sector and the community

  1. Photo documentation of dissemination of the VMGO


O.1. There is full awareness and acceptance of the VMGO by the administrators, faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders

  1. Study on the acceptance of VMGO

O.2 There is congruency between actual educational practices and activities with the following

O.2.1. Vision and Mission of the SUC;

  1. Congruency of DME activities to the VMGO

  2. DME Faculty Matrix to support the attainment of the VMGO

  3. Copy of the faculty development plan as part of attaining the VMGO

  4. Photo documentation showing the congruence of departmental activities to the VMGO

  5. Copy of BSME program evaluation results as part of department's activity in attaining the VMGO

5.1 CHED RQAT Visit


  1. Industry Linkages established through the BSME OJT Program

6.1 List of Industry Linkages

6.2 Copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

O.2.2. Goals of the College/Academic Unit and

  1. Congruency of DME activities to the VMGO

  2. DME Faculty Matrix to support the attainment of the VMGO

  3. Copy of the faculty development plan as part of attaining the VMGO

  4. Photo documentation showing the congruence of departmental activities to the VMGO

  5. Copy of BSME program evaluation results as part of department's activity in attaining the VMGO

5.1 CHED RQAT Visit


  1. Industry Linkages established through the BSME OJT Program

6.1 List of Industry Linkages

6.2 Copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

O.2.3. Objectives of the Program

  1. Congruency of DME activities to the VMGO

  2. DME Faculty Matrix to support the attainment of the VMGO

  3. Copy of the faculty development plan as part of attaining the VMGO

  4. Photo documentation showing the congruence of departmental activities to the VMGO

  5. Copy of BSME program evaluation results as part of department's activity in attaining the VMGO

5.1 CHED RQAT Visit


  1. Industry Linkages established through the BSME OJT Program

6.1 List of Industry Linkages

6.2 Copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

O.3. The goals and objectives are being achieved

  1. VSU BSME Top Graduates

  2. Performance of BSME graduates in ME licensure examination

  3. Implementation of Faculty Development Plan (FDP

  4. Conduct of graduate tracer study to check the attainability of the set objectives

4.1 Tracer study form

4.2 Filled tracer forms

  1. Feedback from Employers

5.1 Transmittal letter

5.2 Employer's feedback form

5.3 Filled feedback forms